Hand-raised, sustainable, free range chickens are nurtured in small flocks on a family farm outside of Willis. Our amazing chickens will wow you with their flavor. We raise the chicks, process them and deliver them to you. We handle each bird every day from the day they arrive to the day we deliver to you.Check out our full menu for more details.
Our chickens are able to live a more natural and happy life. They are fed quality feed, grown by mom and pop family farmers and delivered straight to our farm here outside of Willis Texas in the Sam Houston National Forest. Your order will arrive inside of your refrigerator from Willis Texas just as if you were picking up at a grocery store.
Our chickens are fed a mix of barley, wheat, sorghum, sunflowers, and millet. They also eat grass and other plants. The chickens run in the grass and eat bugs and grasshoppers, giving them extra nutrients that they wouldn't otherwise have. With lots of space to run around in; our chickens get to act like chickens. Unlike factory-raised hens, which never see the light of day; our chickens enjoy true day and night cycles. This produces fewer stress hormones and a more natural and happy life for our birds.
The chicken feed tests are better than organic standards. It contains no antibiotics or steroids. Organic labels allow certain types and levels of both. Our supplier also tests for glyphosate which organic standards do not require.
When our chickens are processed, we air chill them to REDUCE moisture and body weight. Chicken in the store has up to 15% saline solutions pumped into it so you are buying 15% salt water. All processing is by hand so each bird is visually inspected inside and out by us. We do the packaging and weighing by hand on a Department of Agriculture Certified digital scale
Peach Creek Poultry: Beyond Organic Standards.
Memorial Village Farmers Market
10840 Beinhorn Road
Hunters Creek Village
9:00am - 1:00pm
Freshly made breakfast tacos and chicken sandwiches.
We are taking a break from the Bay Area Farmers Market on Sundays during the summer. It is too hot for us old farmers stand behind that 500 degree griddle to cook.
We hope and plan to return this fall, cooking up some NEW menu items as Daily Specials to compliment our delicious breakfast tacos and chicken sandwiches that you all have come to love.
We thank you for your support!
Please feel free to contact us with any questions or comments.
Peach Creek Poultry is now being carried in stores at the following locations:
At Peach Creek Poultry, we exceed organic standards. Our chickens are fed non-GMO, antibiotic-free feed and enjoy a natural, outdoor life, resulting in healthier, happier chickens.
Our farm-raised chickens are high in flavor and free from harmful additives. Raised humanely and naturally, they provide better nutritional value and taste.